About North Star Lanes

Northstar Lanes by 111 Alliance, LLC and McMiller Properties, LLC are owned and operated by Brian & Kristen Mattmiller along with Trevor & Karen McCarthy. Purchased on August 11th, 2022, the Mattmiller’s and McCarthy’s are invested not only in this community but also in the Local Antigo Bowling Programs.

Brian and Kristen were born and raised in Antigo. Brian is the acting General Manager at Northstar Lanes handling all of the day to day activities in the Restaurant, Bowling Alley, Bar and Banquet Facility. He is very involved in the Youth Programs as a Coach of the Antigo Boys Varsity Program which most recently won a State Championship in 2019. He also is the Owner of Team Brian Pro Shop located in Northstar Lanes since the Fall of 2018. Brian’s vision is carried out through Northstar Lanes to have a safe place for the Youth to go, along with a friendly environment for both Youth and Adults to call Northstar their home away from home. Kristen works in the medical field locally and is a great support system for our team here at Northstar Lanes. As a bowler herself, Kristen puts up some nice scores when she is bowling league.

Trevor and Karen migrated north to Antigo about 30 years ago to start a business. Trevor currently works locally in maintenance but any spare time he has he is improving anything and everything here at Northstar. Trevor is also very involved in the Youth Programs, he is the Coach of the Antigo High School Girls Varsity Program which won a State Championship in 2022. When Trevor has free time, he likes to help bartend here at the Lanes along with lending a helping hand anywhere he can. Karen is in the accounting field and when not doing taxes, she is organizing here at the Lanes. Plenty of ideas come from Karen and a lot of the designs and art come from her bare hands.

The Mattmiller’s and McCarthy’s have put their heart and soul into Northstar Lanes since the purchase and don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. Helping the community with usage of the Banquet Facility or Volunteering around town, they are definitely fixtures here in town. Most of the time, if you stop in, you will see one of them here so stop by and say hi and enjoy the beautiful facility.


  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
  • Closed
  • 11 AM–11 PM
  • 11 AM–11 PM
  • 11 AM–11 PM
  • 11 AM–12 AM
  • 11 AM–12 AM
  • 11 AM–9 PM
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